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Terms & Conditions


Zento A/S, Hammerensgade 1, 2. 1267 København K, Denmark, with telephone +45 89875789 and company registration number DK43468561 (Zento), e-mail address info@Zento.app negotiates access to payment solutions.

All services that are resold via Zento A/S are established via partners.

At no time during the customer relationship will Zento have access to or any form of control over the funds. Zento is a software and integration provider that uses existing licensed providers in the EU to provide IT facilities to customers located within the EU.

Our services within EMI solutions for online accounts are provided via B4B Payments prepaid Mastercard® Their T&C can be found here: https://www.b4bpayments.com/prepaid/terms-and-conditions/

These general terms and conditions (the General Terms) apply to the provision of the Services. The General Terms shall be treated as the Agreement for the Services.

1. Services

1.1. Zento offers the following services via B4B Payments prepaid Mastercard®
: Online business accounts; which includes incoming and outgoing transfers in various currencies, including SEPA and SWIFT payments; eWallet services, including loading eWallets through external parties; card payments; cash withdrawal via ATM.

1.2. By accepting these terms and conditions, the client also accepts the rules for the use of payment cards applicable to him/her/them.
2. Definitions
2.1. Application means a mobile application for Account management, installed and used upon mobile devices.
2.1. Application means a mobile application for Account management, installed and used upon mobile devices.
2.3. Business Day means a day, when Zento provides its services, set by Zento. Zento can set different business days for different services.
2.4. Client means a natural (personal), business or merchant who has registered in the System and to whom Zento provides services to.
2.4. Client means a natural (personal), business or merchant who has registered in the System and to whom Zento provides services to.
2.6. Consumer means a natural person who buys Services for his/her/their/their personal use.
2.7. Electronic Money means money credited/ transferred to and held on Account for executing Payment Services via the System.
2.8. European Economic Area Agreement means the Agreement on the European Economic Area, which entered into force on January 1st, 1994.
2.9. EU Member State means a member state of the European Union.
2.10. Payment Operation means a money transfer, payment or withdrawal initiated by a payer or a payee.
2.11. Payment Order means an order from the Client for the execution of the Payment Operation.
2.12. Payment Service means: (i) execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the payment service provider of the payment service user or with another payment service provider: execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits, execution of payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device and/or execution of credit transfers, including standing orders; and/or (ii) issuing of payment instruments and/or acquiring of payment transactions; and/or (iii) money remittance; and/or (iv) services enabling cash to be placed on a payment account as well as all the operations required for operating a payment account; and/or (v) services enabling cash withdrawals from a payment account as well as all the operations required for operating a payment account.
2.13. Payment Instrument means any payment instrument which allows to link to the Account and perform payment transfers using this payment instrument.
2.14. Zento Account means an account opened in the System in the name of the Client and used to keep funds and make payment transfers.
2.15. Services means a service of issuance and redemption of Electronic Money, Payment Services and other services provided by Zento.
2.16. Online Account means the result of registration in the computer system or Application, during which personal data of the registered Client is saved, a login name is assigned and the rights of the Client in the System are defined.
2.17. System means a software solution on a Zento web page and Application used for provision of Zento’s services.
2.18. Password (Passwords) means any code of the Client created in the System or provided to the Client by Zento for the access to the Online Account and/ or Account or initiation and management of separate services provided by Zento and/or initiation, authorisation, implementation, confirmation and reception of Services.
2.19. Party means Zento or the Client (jointly known as Parties).
3. Registration in Zento Provides System
3.1. The Client who wishes to start using the System has to go through the registration process. Zento shall onboard the Client remotely. In addition, the description of the Client’s identification procedure is provided within the Rules on Anti-money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention of Zento.
3.2. The Client is obligated to ensure security and secrecy of the Password and the Unique Identifier granted to the Client. In case the Password becomes (or possibly becomes) known to the third parties, the Client obligates to immediately change the Password and/or Unique Identifier.
3.3. The Client obligates to ensure security and secrecy of the details about his/her/their Payment Instrument, including payment card number and Card Verification Value (CVV) code.
3.4. While registering in the System, the Client obligates to provide correct and complete data about himself/herself/themselves during the registration process. The Client obligates to immediately, however, no later than 1 Business Day, inform Zento about any change of information and documents provided to Zento during the registration process, including, but not limited to, change of the e-mail, phone, information on the representative and etc.
3.5. Zento has the right to request from the Client additional information and/or documents related to the operations of the Client and to request the Client to update such information periodically.
3.6. If the Client does not provide the requested information and/or documents within the terms specified by Zento, Zento has the right to suspend the Client registration process.
3.7. After being duly onboarded and granted access to the account, the Client is obliged to activate the compulsory Two Factor Authentication (2FA) security, If the Two Factor Authentication is not activated within 3 days, Zento has the right to suspend the account until the Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is activated.
3.8. The Client might enter into legal relations with Zento directly and/or through the Client’s Representatives.
4. Payment Services and account Opening Rules
4.1. Account allows the Client to deposit, transfer, keep funds in the Account for transfers, local and international money transfers executions, contribution payments, also receive money to the Account, settle for goods and services, and perform other operations directly related to money transfers.
4.2. Money held on the Client’s Account is considered Electronic Money which Zento or it’s Partner’s issue after the Client transfers or deposits money to his/her/their Account. After the Client deposits/transfers money to his/her/their Account and the Regulated Partner receives the money, credits it to the Client’s Account, at the same time issuing Electronic Money at the nominal value. The Electronic Money is credited to and held on the Client’s Account.
4.3. The specific method of depositing/transferring funds to the Account is selected by the Client in the Online Account by selecting the “Funding instructions” section, which contains instructions for depositing money for each method of payment.
4.4. The nominal value of Electronic Money coincides with the value of money deposited/transferred to the Account (after deduction of standard Commission Fee appropriate for a particular payment method, if applicable).
4.5. Electronic Money held on the Account is not a deposit and Zento does not, in any circumstances, pay any interest for Electronic Money held on the Zento Account and does not provide any other benefit associated with the time period the Electronic Money is stored.
4.6. At the request of the Client, Electronic Money held on his/her/their Account shall be redeemed at their nominal value at any time, except for cases set forth in the General Terms.
4.7. The Client submits the request for redemption of Electronic Money by generating a Payment Order to transfer Electronic Money from his/her/their Account to any other account specified by the Client or withdrawing Electronic Money from his/her/their Account by other methods supported by Zento and indicated in the System. Zento has the right to apply limitations for redemption of Electronic Money.
4.8. No specific conditions for Electronic Money redemption that would differ from the standard conditions for transfers and other Payment Operations performed on the Account shall be applied. The amount of redeemed/transferred Electronic Money is chosen by the Client.
4.9. No additional fee for Electronic Money redemption is applied. In the event of redemption of Electronic Money, the Client pays the usual Commission Fee for a money transfer or withdrawal which depends on the method of Electronic Money transfer/withdrawal chosen by the Client. Standard Zento Commission Fees for money transfer/withdrawal are applied.
4.10. Provided that the Client terminates the General Terms and agreements concluded, and applies with the request to close his/her/their Account and delete his/her/their Online Account from the System, or Zento terminates the provision of Services, money held on the Client’s Account shall be transferred to the bank account or to the account within other electronic payment system indicated by the Client. Zento has a right to deduct first the funds that belongs to Zento or it’s Financial Services Partner (fees for Services provided by Zento and other unpaid amounts, including but not limited to, fines and damages incurred by Zento due to the breach of the General Terms or other obligations committed by the Client, which have been imposed by international payment card organisations, other financial institutions and/or state institutions). In the event of a dispute between Zento and the Client, Zento’s Financial Services Partner has the right to detain money under dispute until the dispute is resolved.
4.11. The Commission Fees for special categories of Clients may differ from the standard Commission Fees. The aforementioned categories of Clients are determined in Zento’s policies.
4.12. Zento reserves the right not to open an account and/or close an account without providing a reason.
4.13. To use Payment services via Zento System the Client’s equipment shall be in compliance with the following minimum system requirements:
4.13.1. Desktop:
Processor: Intel Core i3 or better
Memory: 2 GB RAM
4.13.2. OS: Windows 7/Linux up to date Distro
Browser: Firefox / Chrome / Edge
4.13.3. Mobile devices:
iOS 10 or higher / Android 6.0 or higher
5. Usage of the Account
5.1. The Client may manage the Account via the internet by logging in to his/her/their Online Account with his/her/their login name and Password or via Application.
5.2. Payment Transfers from the Client’s Account may be executed:
5.2.1. to another user of the System;
5.2.2. to the Danish, EU and foreign bank accounts (except for banks in foreign countries to which the Payment Transfers are forbidden; Zento informs the Client about such countries in the System);
5.2.3. to accounts in other electronic payment systems specified in the System;
5.2.4. to other debit and credit cards using card to card payment services.
5.3. Funds may be transferred to the Account in different currencies. The Client will be shown the currency exchange rate valid at the moment of conversion before making any transaction in a different currency within the System. The exchange rate is constantly updated on the System.
5.3.1. For a payment order in Euro which is given by the Client as payer and the payee’s bank account is held with a Payment Service Provider in the EU Member State or in another state which is a contracting party to the European Economic Area Agreement, the Client agrees that Zento shall ensure that the account of the Payment Service Provider of the Payee shall be credited with the payment amount the latest within 3 (three) working days from the time of receipt of the payment order from the Client.
5.3.2. For payment orders given by the Client to Zento which relate to the provision by Zento of any of the aforementioned payments in Euro and the payee’s account is held with a payment service provide in the EU Member State or in another state which is a contracting party to the European Economic Area Agreement, Zento shall ensure that the payment service provider of the payee is credited with the payment amount the latest within 3 (three) working days from the time of receipt of the payment order from the Client.
5.3.3. For a payment order which is given by the Client as payer in the currency of the EU Member State other than Euro and the payee’s account is held with a payment service provider in the EU Member State or in another state which is a contracting party to the European Economic Area Agreement, the Client agrees that Zento shall ensure that the payment service provider of the payee is credited with the payment amount the latest within 5 (five) working days from the time of receipt of the payment order from the Client.
5.3.4. For payment orders given by the Client as a payer in a currency other than Euro or other than the currency of the EU Member State or other than the currency of a state which is a contracting party to the European Economic Area Agreement, the Client agrees that the above-mentioned time limits do not apply.
5.3.5. Additionally, the time limits do not apply in case that any data required to proceed the transaction which was given to Zento by the Client, is erroneous.
5.3.6. In case that the Client is the payee of an incoming payment in a currency other than Euro or other than the currency of the EU Member State or other than the currency of a state which is a contracting party to the European Economic Area Agreement, the Client agrees that the aforementioned time limits do not apply.
5.4. A bank or another electronic money transfer system may apply fees for transferring money from/to Client’s Account to the Client’s bank account, card or a payment account of another electronic payment system.
5.4.1. Zento’s Financial Serviced Partner may charge additional fees if received funds have to be converted to another currency before it is possible to credit them to the Client’s account. The Client will be informed about additional fees in advance.
5.5. Fees for the Services of Zento’s Financial Services Partner are deducted from the Client’s Account. In case the amount of money on the Account is less than the amount of the Payment Transfer and the price of the Service of Zento, the Payment Transfer is not executed.
5.6. In case the Client indicates incorrect data of the recipient and the Payment Order is executed according to the data provided by the Client (e.g. the Client indicates a wrong account number), it shall be considered that Zento has fulfilled its obligations properly and shall not repay the transferred amount to the Client. The Client shall directly contact the person who has received the transfer regarding the return of the money.
5.7. The Client is obliged to provide a Payment Order for the execution of the Payment Transaction in accordance with the instructions specified in the System and valid at the moment of transfer.
5.8. If the Payer submits an incorrect Payment Order or indicates incorrect data for the Payment Transfer, but the Payment Transfer has not been executed yet, the Client may request to correct the Payment Order.
5.9. If Zento’s Financial Services Partner cannot credit funds indicated in the Payment Order to the recipient due to errors of the Client made in the Payment Order, the Payment Order may be cancelled and funds may be returned to the Client if it is technically possible.
5.10. In all cases, when Zento receives a Payment Order but funds cannot be credited due to errors in the Payment Order or insufficiency of information, Zento’s Financial Services Partner undertakes all possible measures to track the Payment Operation in order to receive accurate information and execute the Payment Order.
5.11. The Client, having noticed that money has been credited to his/her/their Account by mistake or in other ways that have no legal basis, is obliged to notify Zento about it immediately, however, no later than within 1 Business Day after noticing the wrongly credited money. The Client has no right to dispose of money that does not belong to him/her/them In such cases Zento has the right and the Client gives an irrevocable consent to deduct the money from the his/her/their Account without the Client’s order. If the amount of money on the Client’s Account is insufficient to debit the money credited by mistake, the Client unconditionally commits to repay Zento the money credited by mistake in 3 (three) Business Days from the receipt of such request from Zento.
5.12. The Client has the right to change the limits on Payment Transfers for the Account by completing an additional Online Account confirmation in accordance with the procedure established in the System and setting other limits for transfers by completing an additional confirmation. The Client may set the limits at his own discretion, however Zento has the right to limit the size of the limits at any time. The Client may check the applied limits in the System. The Client will be notified about the limit’s entry into force by e-mail and through the System.
5.13. The Client may check the Account balance and history by logging in to the Online Account or the Application. The Client can also find information about all applied fees and other fees deducted from the Account of the Client during a selected period of time.
5.14. The Client’s confirmations, orders, requests, notifications and other actions performed through websites of third persons or other places by logging in to his/her/their/their Account and identifying himself/herself/themselves/themselves in this way are treated as conclusion of an agreement.
5.15. The management of the Account via the internet:
5.15.1. In order to execute a Payment Operation via the internet, the Client must fill in a Payment Order in the System and submit it for execution, electronically confirming in the System his/her/their/their Consent to execute the Payment Order.
5.15.2. Submission of the Payment Order in the System is an agreement of the Client to execute the Payment Operation and cannot be cancelled (cancellation of the Payment Order is only possible until the execution of the Payment Order has been started – status of the Payment Order and possibility of cancellation are visible on the Online Account of the Client).
5.15.3. In case the amount of money on Account of the Client is insufficient to execute the Payment Transfer, the Payment Transfer is cancelled. The Client can file in the Payment Order again once the amount of money on Account becomes sufficient. If the amount of money on Account is insufficient in one currency, but there is a sufficient amount of money in another currency, the Payment Transfer shall not be executed until the Client converts other currency to the currency of the payment (except for cases, when the Client has ordered an automatic currency exchange feature or the transfer is intended for paying for goods or services via System).
5.16. The Payment Order (from the Account opened within Zento to the other Account opened within Zento) is considered received (calculation of the time period of execution of such Payment Order starts) on the day of its reception, or, if the moment of reception of the Payment Order is not a Business Day, the Payment Order is considered received on the nearest Business Day.
5.17. The Payment Order (outside the System) which was received by Zento FSP on a Business Day but not on business hours set by Zento, is considered received on the nearest Business Day of Zento.
5.18. All of the Payment Orders that the System receives are placed in a priority-based queue. Subsequently, Payment Orders are executed according to the queue, with execution occurring either immediately or as soon as preceding Payment Orders are completed.
5.19. Zento has the right to record and store any Payment Order submitted by any of the means agreed on with Zento, and to record and store information about all Payment Operations performed by the Client or according to Payment Orders of the Client. Records mentioned in the present clause may be submitted by Zento to the Client and/or third persons, who have the right to receive such data under the basis set forth in the legislation, as evidence confirming the submission of Payment Orders and/or executed Payment Operations.
5.20. Payment Orders submitted by the Client shall comply with requirements for submission of such Payment Order and/or content of the Payment Order set by the legal acts or by Zento. Payment Orders submitted by the Client shall be formulated clearly, unambiguously, shall be executable and contain clearly stated will of the Client. Zento does not undertake responsibility for errors, discrepancies, repetitions and/or contradictions in Payment Orders submitted by the Client, including but not limited to, correctness of requisites of the Payment Order submitted by the Client. If the Payment Order submitted by the Client does not contain enough data or contains deficiencies, Zento, regardless of the nature of deficiencies in the Payment Order, can refuse to execute such Payment Order, or execute it in accordance with data given in the Payment Order.
5.21. Zento has the right to refuse to execute a Payment Order in case of a reasonable doubt that the Payment Order has been submitted by the Client or an authorised representative of the Client, Payment Order or the submitted documents are legitimate. In such cases, Zento has the right to demand from the Client to additionally confirm the submitted Payment Order and/ or submit documents confirming the rights of persons to manage the funds held on the Account or other documents indicated by Zento in a way acceptable to Zento at expense of the Client. In cases mentioned in this point, Zento acts with the aim to protect legal interests of the Client, Zento and/or other persons, thus, Zento does not undertake the responsibility for losses which may arise due to the refusal to execute the submitted Payment Order.
5.22. Before executing the Payment Order submitted by the Client, Zento has a right to demand from the Client documents which prove the legal source of money related to the Payment Order. In case the Client does not submit such documents, Zento has the right to refuse to execute the Payment Order of the Client.
5.23. Zento has the right to involve third parties to partially or fully execute the Payment Order of the Client, if the Client’s interests and/or the essence of the Payment Order require so. In the event that the essence of the Payment Order of the Client requires sending and executing the Payment further by another financial institution, but this institution suspends the Payment Order, Zento is not responsible for such actions of the financial institution, but makes attempts to find out the reasons for the suspension of the Payment Order. Zento has the right to suspend and/or terminate the execution of the Payment Order of the Client, if required by law or in case it is necessary for other reasons beyond control of Zento.
5.24. In case Zento has refused to execute the Payment Order submitted by the Client, Zento shall immediately inform the Client thereon or create necessary conditions for the Client to get acquainted with such notification, except when such notification is technically impossible or forbidden by legal acts.
5.25. Zento shall not accept and execute Payment Orders of the Client to perform operations on the Account of the Client if funds on the Account are arrested, the right of the Client to manage the funds is otherwise legally limited, or in case operations are suspended by applicable legal acts.
5.26. If money transferred by the Payment Order is returned due to reasons beyond the control of Zento (inaccurate data of the Payment Order, the account of the recipient is closed, etc.), the returned amount is credited to the Account of the Client. Fees paid by the Payer for the Payment Order execution are not returned, and other fees related to the returning of money and applied to Zento can be deducted from the Account of the Client.
5.27. Zento has the right to return to the issuing side any incoming transaction, which appears suspicious in any way, and charge the applicable fees from the Client’s account. The fees may include the standard charges for a wire transfer or a SWIFT confirmation procedure to identify the account number of the issuer and allocate the returned funds there. The fee may be higher depending on the destination, currency and, if applies, foreign currency conversion.
5.28. The Client agrees that Zento will transfer Personal Data of the Client to persons directly related to the execution of the Payment Operation, such as international payment card organisations, companies processing information about payments by payment cards, the provider of Payment Services of the recipient, the operator of the payment system for execution of the Payment Operation, intermediaries of the provider of Payment Services of the Client and the recipient.
5.29. If necessary and/ or required by institutions of other states, Zento has the right to receive additional information (e.g. name and surname/title of the Payee, a payment code) required for the appropriate execution of the Payment Order.
5.30. When executing Payment Orders initiated by the Client, Zento shall transmit to the Payment Service provider the information (including Personal Data of the Client) specified by the Client in the Payment Order.
5.31. In case of the death of the Client (where a client is a natural person), the Account of the Client will be closed and the funds held by the Client will be transferred to the account indicated by the successor. The actions indicated in this Clause will be implemented following the procedure provided under the applicable laws.
5.32. Zento will charge all appropriate fees related to the closure of the Account. If no successor claims the remainder of the funds (i.e. it is not indicated where the funds should be transferred) in the Account within 12 months, Zento will also charge the funds in the Account with a 0.15% daily fee.
5.33. The Client agrees that Zento, when providing Services, may use services by the counterparties (including but not limited to, banks, electronic money institutions, payment institutions and other financial institutions). Zento is entitled to attract the counterparties for the provision of Services without prior agreement with the Client.
5.34. Certain clients may be subject to the advance payment requirement which allows Zento a better protection against possible risks and expenses associated with particular Accounts. Zento notifies such Clients of the requirement and the advance payment is only imposed with prior agreement by the Client.
5.34.1. Advance payment is kept for 45 calendar days after the Account has been closed. If additional expenses associated with the Account emerge after the Account has been closed, Zento may retain the advance payment longer than 45 calendar days. Zento also has a right to charge emerged expenses from the advance payment. If the amount of the advance payment is not enough, Zento might claim other expenses appeared from the activity of the Client in the court.
5.34.2. Zento may release the advance payment before the Account is closed.
5.34.3. Zento does not pay any interest on advance payment.
6. Pricing
6.1. Pricing of Services (the Pricing) is provided on https://zentopayments.dk/fees/ and is considered part of these General Terms, if other prices are not agreed between Parties (Parties’ representatives). Zento is entitled to unilaterally amend the Pricing and to change the amount, frequency or time frames for payment of any fees and/ or charges relating to the Services provided. Zento shall notify the Client of these changes 5 (five) Business Days before the new/amended Pricing takes effect unless the legislation of any provider or local legal laws stipulates another period of time.
6.2. The Client confirms that he/she/they have carefully acquired with the Pricing and payment terms that are applied to and relevant to the Client.
6.3. Fees payable by the Client will be deducted from the Account balance.
6.4. All of the fees are non-refundable.
6.5. All the fees to Zento are paid in EUR. In case there is not a sufficient amount of funds in EUR currency within the Account, Zento arranges exchange of the required amount of funds to EUR. Zento has a right to exchange money to necessary currency by applying currency exchange rate published within the System. In case there are Electronic Money on the Account and also funds in other currency than EUR, Zento will exchange Electronic Money into fiat (EUR).
6.6. The Client commits to ensure that there will be sufficient amount of money on his/her/their/their Account to pay/deduct all the fees payable to Zento. If the Client does not pay Zento for provided Services in due term, he/she/they pay 0.2 per cent from the amount for each day overdue.
7. Prohibited actions
7.1. The Client is prohibited to:
7.1.1. violate the rights of Zento to trademarks, copyrights, commercial secrets and other intellectual property rights;
7.1.2. provide false, misleading or incorrect information;
7.1.3. refuse to provide information requested by Zento;
7.1.4. transfer and/or receive money acquired in illegal manner;
7.1.5. refuse to cooperate with Zento in investigation of violations;
7.1.6. spread computer viruses and undertake other measures which could cause System malfunctions, damage or destroy information, as well as cause other damage to systems, equipment or information;
7.1.7. undertake any other deliberate measures which could cause System malfunctions, damage or destroy information, as well as cause other damage to systems, equipment, information or third parties;
7.1.8. organise illegal gambling, trade of guns, drugs, prescription medicine, steroids, pornographic production, unlicensed lottery, illegal trade of software or other products or services prohibited by the law;
7.1.9. provide financial services without a prior consent of Zento;
7.1.10. provide services which are prohibited by the laws or conflict with the public order and/or good morals.
8. Communication
8.1. The Client confirms that he/she/they agree with provision of communication by Zento on the System. The Client confirms that communication presented in through the System shall be considered submitted properly. It is considered that the Client has received notification within 24 (twenty four) hours after they have been published on the System.
8.2. All communication between the Client and Zento shall be performed in the language to which the Client and Zento agreed.
8.3. The Client obligates to keep telephone number, email address and other information submitted while creating Zento Account up to day and immediately, however, no later than within 5 Business Days inform Zento about any change.
8.4. The Client also confirms that he/she/they have access to the internet and agree that Zento may provide Clients with non-confidential and/or not personally addressed information by publishing it on the website www.zentopayments.dk
8.5. Zento are able to change the information on their website at any time. Zento also have no obligations to notify Clients about such changes.
8.6. Under the request by the Client, Zento will provide the Client with the copy of the agreement (i.e. the General Terms and other documentation) on paper or in another durable medium.
8.7. The durable medium provided by Zento according to the clause 8.6. of the General Terms shall comply with the following requirements:
8.7.1. the durable medium shall be addressed personally to the Client;
8.7.2. the technical characteristics of the durable medium shall allow the Client to store it as well as to have an access to it during the period adequate for the purpose of the information disclosure;
8.7.3. the technical characteristics of the durable medium shall allow the Client the unchanged reproduction of the information stored in the durable medium.
9. Client Information
9.1. Zento attaches the supreme importance to privacy and adopts severe rules of confidentiality about current and former Clients. Zento does everything reasonable to protect securely any information held about Clients in the accordance with the applicable laws. We do not disclose information about Clients to anyone unless authorised by the Client or required by the law.
9.2. Zento may record and/or monitor telephone conversations between Clients and staff in order to improve the quality of services and/ or for verification or training purposes.
9.3. Zento cannot guarantee that the information sent over the Internet when using the Zento website is totally secure. Clients provide information at their own risk.
9.4. Zento stores the personal information about the Client and history of transactions as required by law. Closing a Zento Account does not result in the annulation of such data, unless the Client requests such annulation in pursuit of his/her/their legal rights.
10. Amendments. Termination of the agreement
10.1. These General Terms are subject to change at any time in order to:
10.1.1. reflect new business, legal requirements and other developments affecting Zento;
10.1.2. make the General Terms more clear for the Clients and, if needed, to correct any mistakes;
10.1.3. ensure reasonable and competitive business operations;
10.1.4. represent changes in market conditions, banking practices or cost of services.
10.2. Zento shall notify the Client about any change of General Terms through the System no later than 60 (sixty) Business Days before intended changes. Information about the intended changes will be also announced on the website and Application of Zento.
10.3. If the Client does not agree to the amendments or supplements made, he/ she has the right to terminate agreements concluded by giving written termination notice to Zento no later than 3 (three) Business Days before intended termination date via sending the request through Zento’s System.
10.4. The notification period shall not apply and notification shall not be provided where:
10.4.1. General Terms were changed due to changes in laws;
10.4.2. the costs of the Services are reduced;
10.4.3. General Terms are changed in a way that put the Client in a more favourable position.
10.4.4. The Client agrees to review the General Terms periodically to be aware of such changes and continued access or use of Zento Systems will proceed under Client’s acceptance of the modified General Terms.
10.5. The Client is entitled to terminate relations, including concluded agreements with Zento, with a prior 30 (thirty) days’ notice.
10.6. Zento can immediately terminate relations with the Client, including all concluded agreements, and/or provision of services in the following events:
10.6.1. the Client fails to make any payment which is due;
10.6.2. the Client is in breach (or probable is in breach) of any relevant country law and/ or regulation;
10.6.3. the Client breaches representations and warranties provided;
10.6.4. certain conduct by the Client and/or specific circumstances, which are specified in other internal rules of Zento as reasons for the termination of relationship;
10.6.5. Zento believes that the Client no longer meets Zento Client profile.
10.7. Zento is entitled to terminate relations, including concluded agreements (without any reason) with the Client, with a prior 60 (sixty) days’ notice.
10.8. The agreement for the provision of the Services is concluded for the unlimited period of time.
11. Suspensions of services
11.1. Zento, at its own discretion, has a right to unilaterally and without a prior warning apply one or several of the following measures:
11.1.1. suspend execution of Services;
11.1.2. limit Client’s access to the Account and/ or Online Account;
11.1.3. refuse to provide Services.
11.2. Measures indicated in Clause 11.1 of the General Terms can be applied in the following cases:
11.2.1. if the Client violates the General Terms and/ or the suspicion arises that the Client violated the General Terms;
11.2.2. actions of the Client can harm reputation of Zento or might cause losses,
11.2.3. provided payment instruction is incomplete and/ or incorrect;
11.2.4. the circumstances beyond the control of Zento have occurred;
11.2.4. the circumstances beyond the control of Zento have occurred;
11.2.6. Zento become aware of the Client’s death, lack of legal capacity, bankruptcy or an insolvency;
11.2.7. Zento become aware of the dispute over the operation of Client’s account or Client’s ownership of funds on the Account or that an interest in Client’s account has been claimed by a third party;
11.2.8. Zento have grounds to believe that the Client or related third persons behave in an incorrect manner towards the officials of Zento (e.g. in a frightening, threatening or aggressive manner);
11.2.9. Zento have grounds to think that the Client or related third persons have used or are still using business Accounts, while the competency of the person, that represents particular legal entity raises doubts;
11.2.10. Zento have reasons to believe that the Client, or payments in or out of his Account, are subject to an international payments sanction regime;
11.2.11. Zento have grounds to think that Client or related third persons have used or are using the Account illicitly or fraudulently;
11.2.12. the Client is failing to provide to Zento the information and/ or documentation required under these General Terms to enable the provision of the services either when required or in a form, which is acceptable to Zento;
11.2.13. the Client’s Account has never been used, or has not been used for an extended period of time;
11.2.13. the Client’s Account has never been used, or has not been used for an extended period of time;
11.2.15. Zento have reasons to believe that there is a legal requirement to terminate relations with the Client, or a court or any other authority requires suspending or restricting the operation of the account or the provision of any other services;
11.2.15. Zento have reasons to believe that there is a legal requirement to terminate relations with the Client, or a court or any other authority requires suspending or restricting the operation of the account or the provision of any other services;
11.3. Zento shall inform the Client about measures taken indicated in Clause 11.1 immediately and, also, about the possibility to return money which belongs to the Client in 1 Business Day before actions, specified in Clause 11.1 taken, except for cases when provision of such information would weaken safety measures or is forbidden by the legal acts.
11.4. In case Zento reasonably suspects that someone has hacked System and/ or Account and/or Online Account and/or Zento suspects that there is a possible breach of the requirements under the applicable laws, Zento has a right to immediately suspend the provision of some or all Services to the Client without a prior notification.
11.5. In case Zento reasonably suspects or finds out about illegal purchase or unauthorised usage of the Payment Instruments, also about facts or suspicions that personalised safety features of the Payment Instrument have become known or may be used by third persons, or Zento has reasonable suspicions that funds on the Account and/or Payment Instrument may be illegally used by third persons, Zento can immediately suspend all transactions with the Payment Instrument.
11.6. Suspension and/or termination of the Services does not exempt the Client from the execution of all responsibilities to Zento which have arisen till the termination.
11.7. When concluded agreements between the Client and Zento are terminated, the Client shall choose a method for redemption of his/her/their Electronic Money. The Client obligates to perform all necessary actions to redeem Electronic Money. In case the Client does not choose a method to redeem his/her/their/their Electronic Money and/or does not perform necessary actions to redeem his/her/their Electronic Money, Zento can redeem Electronic Money of the Client by the method of redemption of Electronic Money which is available at the moment of redemption.
11.8. Zento can suspend Client’s access to Services without any prior notice in case the validity of the authorisation of the Client’s representative has expired or his/her/their authorisation has been cancelled and Zento was not identified about renewal of authorisation.
12. Liability of the parties
12.1. Each Party is liable for all fines, forfeits and other losses which the other Party incurs due to violation of the General Terms, other internal rules and/ or agreements concluded by the guilty Party. The guilty Party undertakes to reimburse direct damage incurred due to such liability to the affected Party. In all cases, liability of Zento is limited by the following provisions:
12.1.1. Zento shall only be liable for direct damages caused by direct and essential breach of the General Terms made by Zento, and only for damages which could have been foreseen by Zento at the time of breaching of the General Terms, other internal rules and/ or agreements concluded;
12.1.2. In all cases, Zento shall not be liable for non-receipt of profit and income by the Client, loss of reputation of the Client, loss or failure of Client’s business, and indirect damages;
12.1.3. Limitations of Zento liability shall not be applied if such limitations are prohibited by the applicable law.
12.2. The Client obligates to leave Zento and its partners engaged for the provision of Services harmless from any claim, expenses or costs (including legal expenses and fines) that Zento incurs or suffers due to breach of General Terms and/ or breach of any applicable law and/ or regulation. The Client will be informed about the total amount of the claim, expenses or cost incurred by Zento with respect to the events listed above.
12.3. Zento does not guarantee uninterrupted System operation, because System operation may be influenced (disordered) by many factors beyond control of Zento. Zento shall put all efforts to secure as fluent System operation as possible, however, Zento shall not be liable for consequences originating due to System operation disorders if such disorders occur not due to the fault of Zento.
12.4. Cases, when Zento limits access to the System temporarily, but not longer than for 24 (twenty four) hours, due to the System repair, development works and other similar cases, and if Zento informs the Client about such cases at least 2 (two) Business Days in advance, shall not be considered System operation disorders.
12.5. Zento is not liable for:
12.5.1. money withdrawal and transfer from the Account and for other Payment Operations with funds held on the Client’s Account if the Client had not protected his/her/their/their Passwords and or other identification instruments, and as a result they have become known to other persons, and also for illegal actions and operations of third persons performed using counterfeited and/or illegal documents or illegally received data;
12.5.2. errors and late or missed transactions made by banks, billing systems and other third parties;
12.5.3. consequences arising due to disturbances of fulfilment of any Zento obligations caused by a third party which is beyond control of Zento;
12.5.4. consequences arising after Zento legally terminates the General Terms, other internal rules and agreements concluded or limits access to it, also after reasonable limitation/termination of provision of a part of the Services;
12.5.5. any loss or inconvenience which results due to the Client’s failure to keep up to date the information requested under the General Terms;
12.5.6. goods and services purchased using Account, and also for other party, which receives payments from the Account, not complying with terms of any agreement;
12.5.7. for a failure to fulfil its own contractual obligations and damages, in case it was caused due to Zento fulfilling duties determined by the law;
12.5.8. any disruption of the provision of Services;
12.5.9. money withdrawal and transfer from the Account and for other operations with the money held on the Account in case the Client has not protected his/her/their/their Password and it have become open to other persons;
12.5.10. actions of the banks, payment systems and other third parties actions which are beyond control of Zento;
12.5.11. for the circumstances where Zento suspends and/ or terminates Services under the mandatory law provisions;
12.5.12. losses borne due to unauthorised payment operations if the Client has incurred them acting dishonestly, due to his/her/their gross negligence, by not performing duties under the General Terms, or failing to timely enable Two Factor Identification;
12.5.13. any indirect or consequential losses, including but not limited to, loss of profit, loss of reputation.
12.6. The Client is fully liable for correctness of data, orders and documents submitted to Zento.
12.7. If the Client, who is a Consumer, denies having authorised the Payment Operation which has been authorised or states that the Payment Operation has been executed improperly, Zento is obliged to prove that authenticity of the Payment Operation has been confirmed, it has been registered properly and recorded into accounts, and it has not been affected by any technical or any other glitches.
12.8. If the Client is a Consumer, the Client bears all the losses that have arisen due to unauthorised Payment Operations for the amount of up to 50 (fifty) Euros if these loses have been incurred due to: usage of a lost or stolen Payment Instrument; illegal acquisition of a Payment Instrument.
12.9. The Client bears any losses incurred due to unauthorised Payment Operations if the Client has suffered the losses as a result of acting dishonestly or due to his/her/their gross negligence or intentionally not fulfilling one or several of the duties indicated below:
12.9.1. to comply with the rules regulating issuance and usage of the Payment Instrument provided in the General Terms and instructions of Zento that regulates the issue of the Payment Instrument;
12.9.2. if the Client finds out about a loss, theft, illegal acquisition or unauthorised usage of the Payment Instrument, about facts and suspicions that personalised security features of his/her/their Payment Instruments have become known to or can be used by third persons, the Client shall notify Zento or the subject indicated by Zento immediately via e-mail, phone call or notification sent via chat in the mobile or desktop Zento Application;
12.9.3. to undertake all possible measures to protect personalised security features of the Payment Instrument after the Payment Instrument has been issued.
12.9.4. if the Client does not perform the actions required by Zento’s policies due to password change, including, but not limited to sending a written request of password change via the Client’s verified e-mail or Zento system and provision the copy of Client’s proof of identity (passport, ID card).
12.10. If the Client or his/her/their actions result in Zento incurring losses, fines or legal costs, Zento has the right to debit the funds from the Client’s Account(s). If these funds are not enough to cover any such losses, fines and expenses for any legal dealings, Zento can apply to the court.
12.11. After the Client submits a notification with a request to block the Payment Instrument, Zento shall bear the subsequent losses of the Client incurred due to the lost, stolen or illegally acquired Payment Instrument, except for cases of when the Client has not acted in good faith.
12.12. In case Zento does not create conditions to immediately notify about a lost, stolen or illegally acquired Payment Instrument, Zento shall bear the losses incurred due to unauthorised usage of the Payment Instrument, except for cases when the Client has not acted in good faith.
12.13. The present provisions of the General Terms, which are intended for the consumers, are not applied to Clients who are not consumers and act under the General Terms and other internal rules pursuing aims related to their business, commercial or professional activity.
12.14. The Client shall check information about Payment Operations performed on the Account at least once a month and notify Zento about unauthorised or improperly executed Payment Operations, also about any other errors, inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the statement. The notification shall be submitted not later than 60 (sixty) calendar days after the day when Zento, according to the Client, has performed the unauthorised Payment Operation or has performed the Payment Operation improperly. If the Client is a Consumer, he/she/they shall notify Zento about an unauthorised or improperly executed Payment Operation in a currency of a European Union Member State to the European Union Member State in writing not later than 13 (thirteen) months after the day of debiting money from the payment account. If the Client does not submit specified notifications within the time period indicated, it is considered that the Client has unconditionally agreed to the Payment Operations, that had been executed on the Account. The Client shall immediately submit to Zento any information about illegal logins to the Account or other illegal actions related to the Account, and undertake all reasonable measures indicated by Zento in order help in investigating the illegal actions.
12.15. The Party is relieved from the liability for failure to comply with the General Terms and/ or other internal rules and or agreements concluded in case the Party proves that obligations have not been executed due to circumstances of force majeure which are proven in accordance with the procedure established by the law. The Client shall notify Zento about the force majeure in writing within 10 (ten) calendar days after the day of occurrence of such circumstances.
12.16. The Client is solely and fully liable for the payment of taxes (or any state duties) in the country of the Client’s tax residency. The Client is solely liable for the registration/ declaration of the Client’s accounts according to the legislative acts of the country of the Client’s residency.
13. Final provisions
13.1. General Terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Denmark.
13.2. If any part of these General Terms is found invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, other terms and conditions shall continue to be valid and binding on Parties.
13.3. Any provided deposit guarantee scheme does not apply to the accounts opened within Zento. However, Zento ensures that Clients’ funds are kept in a segregated bank account opened for the benefit of Clients of Zento and it will not be used to keep funds of Zento or other parties which are not considered to be users of the services offered by Zento.
13.4. In case the client is not satisfied by the financial services provided by Zento, the Client has the right to submit an official complaint to Zento. The rules on submission of such complaint, complaint resolution terms, the rights of the Client and other related provisions are indicated in the Rules on Investigation of Complaints to Zento.

Prohibited countries and activities

Prohibited activities

1. Production or trade in any product or activity deemed illegal under host country laws or regulations or international conventions and agreements, including without limitation host country requirements related to environmental, health and safety and labour aspects;

2. Production or trade in weapons and munitions;

3. Production, trade, storage, or transport of significant volumes of hazardous chemicals, or commercial scale usage of hazardous chemicals;

4. Production or trade in tobacco;

5. Trade in wildlife or wildlife products regulated under CITES;

6. Production or trade in radioactive materials;

7. Commercial logging operations or purchase of logging equipment for use in primary tropical moist forest;

8. Production or trade in pharmaceuticals subject to international phase outs or bans;

9. Production or trade in pesticides/herbicides subject to international phase outs or bans;

10. Drift net fishing in the marine environment using nets in excess of 2.5km. in length;

11. Production or activities involving harmful or exploitative forms of forced labour/harmful child labour;

12. Production or trade in ozone depleting substances subject to international phase out;

13. Production or trade in wood or other forestry products from unmanaged forests;

14. Money exchange dealers;

15. Any business relating to pornography or prostitution;

16. Quarries, mining, or processing of metal ores or coal;

17. Giving or receiving gifts that could be interpreted as intending to influence business decisions;

18. Abusing confidential or material, non-public information;

19. Trading of Animal Fur, Bones and Ivory;

20. Diamond trading without Kimberley Certification;

21. Indecent and Obscene material including child pornography;

22. Cultural objects like sculptures, statues, antiques, collectors’ items, archaeological pieces especially from Republic of Iraq;

23. Trading of Fireworks, explosives and Nuclear Weapons;

24. Drug trafficking including chemicals used to manufacture synthetic drug or drugs;

25. Trading in Derivatives/Options/Hedging;

26. Donations/Charities;

27. Non-licensed Offline Gambling/Betting/Casino/Horse Racing/Bingo/Sports Betting;

28. Non-licensed Online Casino/Online Poker/Online Gambling/Online Betting/Prize Draws/Gift Cards/Any form of Lottery/Scratch cards;

29. Bearer shares and bonds;

30. Jewel, Gem, Precious metal dealers;

31. Cash Pooling Structure;

32. Non-licensed Forex/Binary Options.

This Prohibited countries and activities listed is an integral part of the limitations for client relationship with Zentopayments A/S on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.

Blacklisted jurisdictions

Blacklisted jurisdictions

American Samoa
British Indian Ocean Territory
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Caribbean Netherlands
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic
Christmas Island
Cocos (Keeling) Island
Congo (Democratic republic of)
Equatorial Guinea
Federal Republic of Somalia
French Southern Territories
Guinea Bissau
Heard & Mcdonalds Islands
Ivory Coast
New Caledonia
Norfolk Island
North Korea (Republic of)
Northern Mariana Islands
Palestinian Territory, occupied
Papua New Guinea
S. Georgia & S. Sandwich Isl
Saint Barthelemy
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
St Pierre et Miquelon
St. Helena
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Tokelau island
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks & Caicos Islands
Us Minor Outlying Islands
Us Virgin Islands
Vatican City State
Wallis and Futuna
Western Sahara